Recently, I went back to my hometown of Red Deer for a visit. While there I took advantage of the City’s trail system for a quick 5k. The run was great, and it got me thinking about some of the differences between Red Deer and the downtown Calgary area where I have been running. I can sum it up in one word… vibes.

The Big City

There is a beautiful river front pathway along the Bow River. I really enjoy the views, however the other runners on these paths are always head-phoned up and doing their own thing. They are out for a run. Meanwhile in Red Deer the paths are full of people out walking their dogs or on a nice jog, just enjoying the trails and happy to a trade a morning greeting. That is my perception anyway.

At first while running in Calgary I was saying “hello” or “good morning” (more realistically “good evening”), but was often met with blank stares. I think it is likely that people are just looking to recharge and get some time away from the hustle and bustle. For some, these greetings might take away some of the peace and quiet they are looking for in a run. 

Now that I have seen how downtown runners operate, I realize that people probably thought I was a bit of a country bumpkin. “Well, howdy there friend! Mighty good mornin’ to ya!” *tips cowboy hat* 

I Have Been Assimilated

I didn’t want to become another person just getting a run in, however the vibe is sort of contagious. You can only attempt to greet people so many times before realizing that just isn’t the way things are. While I am all for some focused me time, I always got so much energy from those seemingly inconsequential interactions with strangers. 

I have been slowly transforming into a “downtown runner” over the past year. You can now find me wearing those headphones and instead of a greeting, I now give a very slight wave that I could probably pass off as an itch, if questioned.

Change of Scenery

To be completely fair I have not given Calgary a fair chance. I have limited my runs to the downtown river paths, aka walking distance from my place. While these paths are beautiful, I have been over them quite a few times now. YYC Run Crew also uses one route that covers much of the same ground.

I think it is time for me to bust out of downtown and explore some parks. When out in nature, people (including myself) might be more inclined to soak in their surroundings. This might be the spot to recapture some of those little interactions I loved so much.

I am going to try driving to a new location for my Saturday long runs. Visiting some new locales will allow me to explore more of Calgary and hopefully spread some of those “hello!” vibes to the other runners I meet on the trails!

By Gina

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